Monday, February 16, 2009

A variety of sub-par blogs. Always.

It's an easy and common thing to forget one's passions. For instance, I no longer feel the need to pledge aloud and at high volumes my undying love for The Counting Crows. I can concede that not everyone must drive a low-emissions vehicle or die, and I haven't raged against The Man over cheap vodka and Diet Rite in years. I've come to terms with a life tempered by moderation of feeling and habit.

I can't, however, let my writing slip away. That's why I've decided to commit to a blog entry every day. You understand of course, because you've shopped at Walmart, that this may mean fewer 'quality' blogs. Now, if there's one thing we can learn from the empire of the late Sam Walton, it's that consumers will forgo a little quality if the prices are low enough, and I can promise you right now, I intend to keep this blog absolutely free, every day. That's my commitment to you, America. Always.

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